Category Archives: Arts and Culture

Art Aia- Creatives / In / Residence is also a News Publisher at Google News with a general interest on Arts & Culture, Sustainability and Eco- therapy.

A short film on economic disparity and Climate Change between Italy and Bangladesh

A production still of  “Shah Jalal “ written and directed by Giovanni Enrico Morassutti.

Shooting has just begun on the short film with the working title “Shah Jalal “ written and directed by our founder Giovanni Enrico Morassutti.

Morassutti with this work tells, between reality and fiction, the story of Adam, a Bengali who has been living in Italy for 12 years and runs a small take-out restaurant on Via Tiziano Aspetti in the Arcella district of Padua.

Adam, through his own business, often sends part of his earnings to his family members in Bangladesh. Bengalis form one of the largest immigrant populations in Italy who send the most money back to their home country. The short film also includes exclusive footage shot in the South Asian country thanks to the participation in the project of artist and curator Sadya Mizan, founder of the Uronto community of artists, who will offer viewers a glimpse of Bangladesh, a country also known for the oldest Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu archaeological relics but also at risk due to Climate Change. Indeed, in this short film, the director and his international team also intend to tell the story of how rising seas in Bangladesh result in salt contamination of drinking water supplies, leaving 33 million people vulnerable to health problems. Morassutti relied on several collaborators to produce this short film including director Karma Gava and his assistant Kevin Huiban, also a live sound engineer. The short film is produced by the international artist residency Art Aia – Creatives In Residence, which had already collaborated in 2019 with Sadya Mizan in organizing the Uronto Residential Art Exchange Program.

Theater against climate change to purify and unite across borders. 

Catharsis, known as “katharsis” in Greek, means “purification” and is what we need at this time of climate emergency. I strongly believe that the climate crisis must be communicated not only through scientific data but also through art. Theater, for example, has the power to shake one’s soul, raise awareness of the seriousness of the situation, and fuel the imagination to create a regenerative, equitable, just, and sustainable vision. A vision worth fighting for. Since 2023, I have had the honor of being the Italian contact person for Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA), a cultural movement and global theater festival against climate change, involving artists from all over the world. In addition to the artistic component, we also promote concrete actions in support of climate, both civically, politically, and environmentally. We involve the scientific community and universities, just to name a few, to create multidisciplinary synergies and address this global challenge.

During the Venice staging of Camila Le-Bert’s Mirror Mirror, I engaged WWF and Extinction Rebellion activists, along with their performance group Red Rebel Brigade, in the role of Coryphaeus. I invited them to act as witnesses and judges on the issue of climate justice. I wanted to bring into dialogue, through theater, these two movements that, although they share common goals, differ in their methods.

In my acting career, I had the opportunity to work with Ellen Stewart, a pioneer of experimental theater and founder of Café La MaMa in New York. Stewart told me that during a performance in Jerusalem, she was able to bring Israeli and Palestinian groups into dialogue. Her was a theater that embraced the whole world. Inspired by MaMa and the rituality and universality of her theater, I also wanted to include the sacred rituals of indigenous peoples in Mirror Mirror. For example, I reinterpreted the ice ritual of the Quyllurit’i pilgrimage, recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity and threatened by climate change. My choice to include these elements was motivated by the need to create a symbolic moment of returning to nature through a non-Western perspective, emphasizing the importance of purification. I wanted different voices to come together, overcoming the idea of boundaries through a common universal intention. For years, the concept of boundaries has been a fundamental question in my artistic research and production. Boundaries are important because they allow us to assert our individuality and enable us to perceive different worlds from different perspectives. However, boundaries can also create barriers to creativity. It is open-mindedness that fosters an effective creative process.

For this very reason, I founded Art Aia – Creatives In Residence, an international artist residency. This space offers opportunities to meet and experiment in the field of creativity, with a focus on sustainable art practices. Finally, theater, when masterfully realized, transcends boundaries because it possesses the very essence of life, that human vibration capable of conveying messages that can help us in the greatest battle of our century: the defense of our planet, the most precious asset we have.

Written by Giovanni E. Morassutti

Published by DiverCity Magazine in December 2023

Trieste Contemporanea is pleased to announce that the call for the Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award (YEATCA) is now open!

Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award (YEATCA)
deadline 30 November 2023, 11:59 pm (Italian time)

Covers of some YEATCA exhibition catalogues

Don’t miss the chance to apply for YEATCA 2023!

The call is open to young artists under the age of 30 (born after 30 November 1993) and born in one of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

There is no fee for participation and all applications must be submitted online (find below the application form and on the website)

The winner will have the exciting opportunity to plan a solo exhibition at Studio Tommaseo in Trieste in 2024.
Exhibition production budget includes the publication of an exhibition catalogue edited by an art curator. YEATCA 2023 artists’ travel and accommodation expenses for attending Trieste exhibition installation and opening will also be paid by the organization.


A portfolio composed of the following:
– images, of at least 5 recent works (each of them with caption and a brief description)
– curriculum vitae
– artistic statement


You can receive further information on the Award and application procedure on the Trieste Contemporanea website. 

A Remarkable Turnout of Companies and Institutions Provide Opportunities for Artists.

Entry deadline extended to November 22, 2023.

VENEZIA – For 18 years, the Arte Laguna Prize has been a beacon for uncovering emerging talent in contemporary art from around the world. Each year, a panel of international experts carefully selects 120 finalists, including digital artists, street artists, designers, videomakers, landscape artists, graphic designers, performers, photographers, sculptors, and painters.

What makes this year’s edition even more exciting is the growing involvement of forward-thinking companies and institutions in the realm of contemporary art. They are partnering with the Arte Laguna Prize to offer special prizes that not only provide exceptional opportunities for artists but also bring fresh ideas and perspectives to various industries in their quest for innovation.

Over the years, many companies have embraced the Arte Laguna Prize initiative. Notably, in 2007, Silvano Pierdonà of Capodopera collaborated with artist Annalù to create a limited edition series of artistic sideboards, showcased at the Salone del Mobile in Milan. More recent collaborations include Bios Line, which commissioned sculptor Vittorio Mandelli to craft an artistic cedar wood seed sculpture installed at the company’s entrance. Fraccaro Spumadoro also collaborated with artist Amelia Corvino to design the packaging for their Christmas focaccia. Explore our “Business for Art” section for additional examples.

The 18th edition of the Arte Laguna Prize has already fostered numerous partnerships. One such collaboration is with Incalmi, a firm renowned for its research, design, and product development in the luxury, design, and architecture realms, known for creating uniquely inspired and crafted objects worldwide. Incalmi invites submissions of works, projects, or design products in the fields of lighting, giftware, or furniture that incorporate the technique of fire enamel on copper.

Another special award comes from PRIMOPIANO CUCINE, which seeks submissions from artists, designers, students, and creative minds that depict the significance of living well in everyday surroundings.

Framis Italia is also offering an award for the best artistic proposal involving the use of their new product, the Framis tape, in the world of fashion.

As autumn arrived, three more remarkable opportunities have emerged: NoName Studio is offering an artistic residency in Shanghai.

Energiapuntozero is presenting a prize for artistic proposals aimed at raising awareness of environmental sustainability.

IED Group, School of Higher Education, is offering one of their courses as a prize.

Given the wealth of opportunities, recently formalized, the organization has decided to extend the submission deadline to November 22, 2023, providing artists with more time to apply for these coveted prizes.

Participation has exceeded expectations thus far, with submissions increasing by as much as 30 percent compared to the previous edition. This surge reflects the flourishing landscape of contemporary art, offering new horizons for both talented creators and those who recognize and harness that talent, all while positively impacting society and the environment.

To apply, visit:

The Arte Laguna Prize finalists and Special Prizes Exhibition takes place every March in the captivating North Arsenal of Venice. This unique venue enhances the artistic heritage of each edition, offering artists unparalleled visibility in the historical surroundings of the Arsenal, once Europe’s largest ship factory. The exhibition draws art collectors, curators, critics, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts. The opening is scheduled for Saturday, March 2 at 5pm, and the exhibition will run from March 3 to April 1 from 10am to 6pm daily, with admission by voluntary donation to the MoCA Association.

The substantial prize pool:

Group Exhibition at the North Arsenal in Venice, March 2024

Grand Prize of €10,000 for the Overall Winner

€3,000 offered by Incalmi

€3,000 offered by PRIMOPIANO CUCINE

€3,000 offered by Energiapuntozero

€2,000 offered by Framis Italia

€5,000 offered by Ied Group

1 prize offered by KINDL Festival Prize in Berlin, Germany

1 prize offered by BJCEM Prize

1 prize offered by Luisa Catucci Gallery Prize in Berlin

1 prize offered by Cris Contini Gallery Prize in London

1 residency offered by Fabrica di Benetton in Treviso, Italy

1 residency offered by Tasa in Taiwan

1 residency offered by NoName Studio in Shanghai, China

1 residency offered BigCi in Australia

1 residency offered NY20+ in China

1 residency offered Blackholes in Latvia

1 residency offered CCCA in Ghana

1 residency offered MoCA in Venice, Italy

Permanent visibility on the digital E-commerce platform Arte Laguna World

Driven by its enduring mission to nurture emerging talent, and thanks to the support of an extensive network of international collaborations, Arte Laguna Prize invites artists and designers to submit their work, embracing the opportunity to become part of this global celebration of contemporary art.






CAMBIAMENTI DI ROTTA . WWF and Extinction Rebellion against Climate Change.

It has just concluded Cambiamenti di Rotta – CCTA 2023, an initiative carried out on September 24 and conceived by actor-director and cultural entrepreneur Giovanni Morassutti, the Italian contact person for the worldwide festival Climate Change Theatre Action, which since 2015 has involved thousands of artists in every part of the world.

In this year’s edition, Morassutti wanted to pay tribute to the Alberoni Dune Oasis managed by WWF Venice and Territory in collaboration with the City of Venice as a symbol of biodiversity, and Venice as a fragile city at risk due to climate change.

More than thirty artists and researchers were involved, including art designer Massimo Clemente, climate change expert Paolo Faiola, young artist Letizia Artioli founder of Venice Climate Change Pavillion, the Venetian Research and Innovation District, CNR researcher Warren Cairns, and many others.

On a beautiful Sunday morning in Venice, the artists arrived on electric boats provided by AQA, Venice’s only 100% electric boat rental company and one of the technical sponsors of the initiative. During the journey through the canals, Sabina Tutone of Shylock Centro Teatrale Universitario di Venezia coordinated a performance from the text Beginnings  by Andrea Ling.

Reaching Alberoni Paolo Perlasca and Jacopo Capuzzo of WWF Venice and Territory introduced the audience to the biodiversity and activities of the Oasis, and in the pine forest Emotion for Change played fragments of their latest record Ipermare while Paolo Faiola illustrated his climate clock as well as presented a monologue he wrote entitled Pianeta Terra o Pianeta 424?

The centerpiece of the event was the staging of Mirror Mirror written by Camila Le-Bert and directed by Giovanni Morassutti, also director of the event as a whole. 

In addition to the main actors such as Marco Stizza, Giovanni Boldrin, Donatella Cipolato and Lavinia Busetto, Morassutti also involved Extinction Rebellion activists and WWF volunteers in the performance to represent a sort of Greek chorus arranged on the beach in a circle to delimit the stage space.

The Alberoni  Beach was transformed for the duration of the performance into a dreamlike setting thanks in part to the participation of the Red Rebel Brigade, which the director integrated organically within the show, and Lianet Camara, a researcher of Peruvian origin, symbolizing the indigenous culture of the Andes who surprised the audience in a mystical moment thanks to the ice ritual inspired by the Quyllurit’i pilgrimage recognized by Unesco as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity and threatened by climate change.

The performance also intrigued the people who were on the beach including several children who joined the audience to witness the emotionally impactful performance that concluded with the involvement of the audience who together with the performers and activists headed to the sea in honor of nature and its truth and beauty.

“I am satisfied with the realization of Mirror Mirror and the entire event as a whole,” Morassutti says, “everything came true exactly as I had imagined it, Cambiamenti di Rotta- CCTA 2023 was a dream come true ” and adds ” in staging the text I was inspired by my experience with Ellen Stewart, founder of La Mama theater in New York especially in her experimental approach and understanding of theater as ritual.

In the afternoon, at the Macondo kiosk, popular speeches by experts and above all an exchange between the various partners that said Bianca Nardon of Shylock C.U.T represented an important opportunity for dialogue and exchange between the various realities involved The sponsorship of Bortoli Assicurazioni and the insurance coverage of Generali Agenzia di San Marco made possible Cambiamenti di Rotta – CCTA 2023 sponsored by the City of Venice, and the company IGreen gadgets finally provided portable ashtrays to raise awareness about the importance of not throwing cigarette butts on the beach.


Shylock Centro Universitario Teatrale Di Venezia  

announces the 


Climate CHANCE – 11th edition – year 2023 

Deadline September 30th 2023 

in association with 


EUROPE DIRECT Venice Veneto 

with the patronage of 


CMCC – Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici  



ISDE ITALIA – International Society of Doctors for the Environment 

with the support of 


Director Bianca Nardon, University Theatre Centre of Venice “Shylock” 

Final event ATENEO VENETO – Venice, December 1st 2023

More information can be found at  :

SHYLOCK Centro Universitario Teatrale di Venezia San Polo 2549 30125 Venezia

Download the PDF below

The Future Within Us

How do you envision the future? What aspects of that world are already here? The Future Within Us kicks off the 5th Climate Change Theatre Action festival with original short plays that grapple with a changing world. Join the Arts & Climate Initiative for this funny, poetic, and poignant evening of theatre, music, and magic tricks!

Featuring original short plays by Nicolas Billon (Canada), Chantal Bilodeau (U.S.), Miranda Rose Hall (U.S.), Ethan King (Philippines), and Kevin Matthew Wong (Canada). Conceived by Chantal Bilodeau and Julia Levine. Directed by Britt Berke.

The Future Within Us is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature as well as with funds from Creative Engagement, a regrant program supported by The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) in partnership with the City Council, and administered by LMCC.

We gratefully acknowledge the State of New York and The Puffin Foundation for their support of this project.

Climate Change Theatre Action is a worldwide festival of short plays about the climate crisis. CCTA 2023 runs from September 17 to December 23, 2023.

The Arts & Climate Initiative uses storytelling and live performance to foster dialogue about our global climate crisis, create an empowering vision of the future, and inspire people to take action.

Art Aia Creatives In Residence (AACIR) is happy to help CCTA to reach more artists and audiences.

Climate Change Theatre Action presents a rare opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing the greatest challenge of our century. I am committed to spreading the word about this project, especially in Italy, and facilitating collaboration in order to help people build solidarity and reduce overall resistance to change.

Giovanni E. Morassutti, founder, AACIR

Applications are open for Arte Laguna Prize 18

Join the world’s most influential competition for artists and designers! You’ll have the unique opportunity to exhibit in the iconic space of the Arsenale Nord of Venice from March 02 to April 01, 2024, during an international exhibition that welcomes more than 10 thousand visitors each year. 

With 18 years of history, Arte Laguna Prize gives artists the opportunity to: 

● exhibit in Venice (Italy) at the Arsenale Nord; 

● win a cash prize of €10,000; 

● join a large network of collaborations around the world; 

● get free visibility; 

● sell their works on the online platform

The Prize is open to the following artistic disciplines: 

painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art and short films, performance and acting (stage and film), digital art, digital graphics and cartoon, environmental and land art, urban art and street art, art design. 


The jury is composed of important curators and directors of museums operating in several countries:

Laura Barreca, Art Historian and Scientific Director of MUDAC Museum of Arts

Giulia Colletti, Public Programs and Digital Sphere’s Curator at Castello di Rivoli Museo D’arte Contemporanea 

Krist Gruijthuijsen, Director of Kw Institute in Berlin 

David Max Horowitz, Assistant Curator at The Solomon R. Guggenheim 

Lu Peng, Academic Committee Director Of Chengdu Biennale 

Anushka Rajendran, Curator of Prameya Art Foundation 

Gonzalo Herrero Delicado, Curator, Educator and Architect 

The jury selects the 120 artists that will exhibit at the Arsenale Nord in Venice.


A symbol of the power of the “Serenissima” Republic, the Arsenale Nord of Venice is today a completely restored area. With its 4,000 square meters, the evocative spaces of the Arsenale Nord provide the ideal setting for displaying and promoting the finest creations of the contemporary art scene. 


Each year Arte Laguna Prize collaborates with high-level international partners to offer artists a wide range of opportunities around the world. The Special Prizes include collaborations with: 

● art galleries, that will select an artist for a solo exhibition; 

● art residencies in Italy and abroad, to provide artists with a multicultural and inspiring environment to create new works; 

● companies, to connect creativity with the productive sector; 

● art festivals and exhibitions, to enhance the artists’ international visibility and create new projects; 


Applications have no restrictions and are open to all artists. The deadline is on October 26, 2023.

Terms & Conditions 

For more information: 

Tel +39 0415937242