Category Archives: Activism

Theater against climate change to purify and unite across borders. 

Catharsis, known as “katharsis” in Greek, means “purification” and is what we need at this time of climate emergency. I strongly believe that the climate crisis must be communicated not only through scientific data but also through art. Theater, for example, has the power to shake one’s soul, raise awareness of the seriousness of the situation, and fuel the imagination to create a regenerative, equitable, just, and sustainable vision. A vision worth fighting for. Since 2023, I have had the honor of being the Italian contact person for Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA), a cultural movement and global theater festival against climate change, involving artists from all over the world. In addition to the artistic component, we also promote concrete actions in support of climate, both civically, politically, and environmentally. We involve the scientific community and universities, just to name a few, to create multidisciplinary synergies and address this global challenge.

During the Venice staging of Camila Le-Bert’s Mirror Mirror, I engaged WWF and Extinction Rebellion activists, along with their performance group Red Rebel Brigade, in the role of Coryphaeus. I invited them to act as witnesses and judges on the issue of climate justice. I wanted to bring into dialogue, through theater, these two movements that, although they share common goals, differ in their methods.

In my acting career, I had the opportunity to work with Ellen Stewart, a pioneer of experimental theater and founder of Café La MaMa in New York. Stewart told me that during a performance in Jerusalem, she was able to bring Israeli and Palestinian groups into dialogue. Her was a theater that embraced the whole world. Inspired by MaMa and the rituality and universality of her theater, I also wanted to include the sacred rituals of indigenous peoples in Mirror Mirror. For example, I reinterpreted the ice ritual of the Quyllurit’i pilgrimage, recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity and threatened by climate change. My choice to include these elements was motivated by the need to create a symbolic moment of returning to nature through a non-Western perspective, emphasizing the importance of purification. I wanted different voices to come together, overcoming the idea of boundaries through a common universal intention. For years, the concept of boundaries has been a fundamental question in my artistic research and production. Boundaries are important because they allow us to assert our individuality and enable us to perceive different worlds from different perspectives. However, boundaries can also create barriers to creativity. It is open-mindedness that fosters an effective creative process.

For this very reason, I founded Art Aia – Creatives In Residence, an international artist residency. This space offers opportunities to meet and experiment in the field of creativity, with a focus on sustainable art practices. Finally, theater, when masterfully realized, transcends boundaries because it possesses the very essence of life, that human vibration capable of conveying messages that can help us in the greatest battle of our century: the defense of our planet, the most precious asset we have.

Written by Giovanni E. Morassutti

Published by DiverCity Magazine in December 2023






WWF and EXTINCTION REBELLION are also joining the artist movement

Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA), a biennial global festival of short plays about the climate crisis, returns in 2023 for its fifth season. A collaboration between the Arts & Climate Initiative and the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, CCTA 2023 will take place September 17 – December 23, bringing communities together to take local and global action on climate worldwide. Fifty playwrights from all corners of the world have been commissioned to write 5-minute plays inspired by the journal entry of American science fiction writer Octavia Butler: “All Good Things Must Begin.” Past events have taken place in theaters, classrooms, libraries, backyards, National Parks, on street corners, and at the foot of glaciers. Italian Actor and director Giovanni Enrico Morassutti for example, known for his work in Method Acting and as the founder of art residency Art Aia – Creatives In Residence dedicated  to spreading sustainability in the arts, is collaborating as the spokesman and Italian contact person for Climate Change Theatre Action 2023 (CCTA) with the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and other partners to organize an interdisciplinary event named Cambiamenti di Rotta which will take place on September 24, 2023, at the WWF Dune Alberoni Oasis on the Venice Lido. It will feature various activities, including sustainable maritime mobility transport on electric boats, art exhibitions, music performances, and interventions combining digital art and science. The centerpiece of the event will be a theatrical performance of the play “Mirror Mirror,” written by Camila Le-Bert, one of the playwright commissioned to write for the fifth season . Climate Change Theatre Action also encourages climate action and to emphasize the “Action” part, organizers are also encouraged to think about an action – educational, social, or political/civic – that can be incorporated into their event to strengthen community bonds and increase engagement. In the Venetian event also the nonviolent environmental movement Extinction Rebellion (XR) will be involved in the performance highlighting the role of art in promoting change and hope. CCTA 2023 not only provides an opportunity for artistic expression but also serves as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action to address the pressing issue of climate change. It is a call to unite and collectively work towards a sustainable and just future promoting climate justice to prevent mass extinction.

The event in Venice will feature numerous artists and activists, many of whom have chosen to share their art for free as a demonstration of a new paradigm that puts the common good above money. Among the artists involved in the show are Donatella Cipolato, Marco Stizza, Giovanni Boldrin, and young activist Lavinia Busetto, a member of Extinction Rebellion.The presence of activists and artists from different disciplines underscores the importance of joining forces to fight climate change. Many other art forms are involved, such as the work of Massimo Clemente who draws inspiration by interacting instinctively with sand, and the Emotion for Change collective, which brings together a group of musicians, artists, and scientists who share a desire to communicate their enchantment and love for the symphonic beauty of nature, including violinist Sara Michieletto and saxophonist Giorgio Schiavon, Shylock Centro Universitario Teatrale di Venezia directed by Bianca Nardon founder of the well-known international competition Climate ChanCe who also actively contributed to the realization of the event by fostering a series of synergies between Morassutti and the Venetian entities involved in the project, the Centro Veneziano di Ricerca e Innovazione with the third stage of the AquaGranda project and Venice Climate Pavilion, which created a digital AR sculpture inspired by the play by Chilean playwright Camila Le-Bert.

Also scheduled to speak are researchers and experts on Climate Change at the Macondo kiosk such as Warren Cairns, CNR researcher and among the spokespersons precisely of Extinction Rebellion, and Paolo Faiola, Ph.D., Master of Science in Environmental Science, specializing in Climate Change Ecology who loves to popularize and raise awareness of the issue through art, theater and play. 

Cambiamenti di Rotta – CCTA 2023 aims to inform and raise awareness of the importance of taking action to protect biodiversity and limit global warming. Through the viscerality of theater, it aims to stir consciences and promote climate justice to prevent mass extinction. Our founder, Giovanni Enrico Morassutti, in his director’s notes, emphasizes the role of women as bearers of hope and advocates for climate justice. The theme of this year’s edition, “All Good Things Must Begin,” draws inspiration from the science fiction literature of Octavia Butler, who addressed climate change and social justice as early as the 1990s. Morassutti aims to challenge anthropocentric thinking and perception by working on the collective unconscious to imagine a just, equitable, and sustainable future.

The artist’s commitment to sustainability and climate action has attracted the support of various organizations, including insurance companies like Bortoli Assicurazioni and Generali Assicurazioni Agenzia di San Marco. Technical sponsors like iGreen Gadgets who will provide portable ashtrays and AQA with its innovative electric boats for the event.. The MoCa Cultural Association and the Arte Laguna Prize and the European Cultural Center are also lending their support to the production and promotion of CCTA.