Art Aia – Creatives In Residence is pleased to promote Arte Laguna Prize

Art Aia – Creatives is glad to promote Arte Laguna Prize, an international art competition open to multiple disciplines – visual, performing, multimedia, landscape and digital arts – for the enhancement of contemporary art and the mapping of its current state. It was created in 2006 to give the opportunity to art talents, more or less young, to emerge, to be noticed by the general public and by the jury composed of important names in the contemporary art scene, as well as to allow a democratic comparison between international artists .

The virtuous circle of Foundations, Museums, Galleries, Residences and Spaces for Art, Made in Italy Companies and International Brands, allows the realization of special projects and concrete opportunities for growth and momentum for the professional career of artists.

Since 2022 our founder Giovanni Morassutti, is among the ambassadors of the Arte Laguna Prize, disseminating opportunities for artists at an international level. 

Applications to Special Prizes to collaborate with the international partners are still open until December 22.

Apply here !